Bibliography recommendations for 6ELEN018W

  1. Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in Python, Peter Corke, 2022, Springer Cham.
  2. Modern Robotics: Mechanics Planning and Control (online version), Kevin M. Lynch and Frank C. Park, 2020, Cambridge University Press.
  3. Introduction to robotics: mechanics and control, John J. Craig, 4th edition, 2018, Pearson Higher Education & Professional Group.
  4. Robotics and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in Matlab, Peter Corke, 2021, Springer International Publishing AG.
  5. Introduction to Robotics, Saeed B. Niku, 3rd edition, 2020, Wiley.
  6. Springer Handbook of Robotics, Bruno Siciliano, Oussama Khatib (eds), 2nd edition, 2016, Springer.
  7. An Introduction to Ethics in Robotics and AI, open access book, Christoph Bartneck , Christoph Lutge , Alan Wagner , Sean Welsh, 2020, Springer Cham.